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Head Office Address

Ground Floor, Building 2, 747 Lytton Rd, Murarrie Qld 4172

Postal Address

P.O. Box 462, Cannon Hill Qld 4170

T:  07 3198 8888  |  ABN:  60 007 689 429

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We have used our best endeavours and taken every care in preparing this document to ensure its accuracy as at the date of preparation. However, we give no warranty as to the accuracy, completeness, currency or reliability of any of the information, conclusions, opinions and forecasts contained in this document. It is also important that you are aware that the conclusions, opinions and forecasts in this document depend on the accuracy of any information and assumptions on which they are based. Some of that information may have been obtained from third parties, and we make no representation or warranty about the completeness or accuracy of that information either now or on a continuing basis. You should not rely on this document in isolation and must undertake your own enquiries. Any reliance you place on this document is entirely at your own risk. This document is not intended to constitute specific advice, and does not substitute the need for you to undertake a formal due diligence exercise and obtain advice from a suitably qualified professional advisor. This document does not form part of or constitute an offer, contract or lease agreement. Any images used in this document are for illustrative purposes only. This document is for your exclusive use, is confidential and must not be copied, reproduced or distributed to any other person or corporation at any time unless you have our prior written consent or such steps are taken to obtain professional advice.

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